Embark on a delightful stitching adventure with our Teddy Bear Cross Stitch Pattern, featuring an irresistibly cute bear adorned in pants, ready for back-to-school fun. This counted cross-stitch chart captures the charm of a studious bear, making it a perfect addition for any bookworm or bear enthusiast. Enjoy the convenience of an instant download with our PDF, and bring this adorable student bear to life in the comfort of your own crafting space! 🧵🐻📚
🧵 Product Details 🧵
✧ Fabric: 14 Count Aida
✧ Design size: 4.21 x 6.21 inches or 10.70 x 15.78 cm
✧ Stitches: 59 X 87
✧ Colors: 30 DMC solid colors
✧ Stitch Types: Cross Stitch, Half-Stitch, Backstitch
✧ Illustration: Elena Barenbaum
✧ Design: Anna Banani
⭐What's Included⭐
✨ PDF Pattern:
✧ Two Charts: Black and white symbols, Color block symbols
✧ Variations: Versions with and without backstitch included.
✧ Key: Symbols and comprehensive stitching instructions
✧ Thread List: Detailed lengths for easy preparation
✨ SAGA Pattern:
✧ File with saga extension compatible with Cross Stitch Saga App
📥 How It Works:
1. Purchase this digital pattern.
2. Instantly download the PDF and SAGA files upon payment.
3. Choose the most convenient way of using the chart. You can print the chart as well as use a digital chart with the Pattern Keeper App or the Cross Stitch Saga App.
4. Dive into creating your masterpiece!
Please note: This is a digital pattern download only; no physical items will be shipped. For any inquiries or assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us. Thank you for supporting independent artists and embracing the beauty of cross-stitching. Happy stitching! 🧵💖
🚫 Please remember: This pattern is intended for personal use exclusively and is not authorized for commercial purposes.